Tuesday, April 26, 2011

part deux

11:00AM-01:45PMcutting patterns
03:00PM-04:30PMcutting, pressing patterns
TOTAL HOURS: 2:45+1:30= approx. 4 hours 15 minutes

I took one sewing class before, and trying to understand a pattern without the help of a seasoned professional is more confusing than I had expected- especially because I am not accustomed to sewing symbols and terminology. I spent the majority of my day doing a lot of mental configuration- so once again my progress has yet to dramatically reveal itself in physical form. 

Slowly, but surely, I began to understand how the pieces would fit together to construct a dress, so I tried to envision the most efficient way I could alter the patterns to achieve the look that I wanted. In between my long, blank, pondering stares I cut out the pieces of the pattern that I needed. I was extra careful with the scissors because this pattern paper was much thinner and tissue-y than previous ones I've used before.

After I cut the pieces, I pressed them and, of course, did some more mental puzzling.
I began to confuse myself as my thought processes became circular, and then I decided that I would stop over-thinking things.

 I decided to just do something... but tomorrow.

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