Monday, April 25, 2011


10:30AM-01:45PM: trying to borrow a dress form from school, Blick's in Evanston, some lunch, Joann Fabrics in Niles
02:45PM-04:30PM: Hancock Fabrics in Northbrook, friend's house (to pick up sewing machine)
TOTAL HOURS: 3:15+1:45= approx. 5 hours

So, today was an overall tiring but interesting day. The whole crazy awesome-ness of Senior Project has yet to sink in since I spent most of my day driving around gathering supplies. I also felt pretty anxious the entire time because I felt like I had homework that I was supposed to be doing and/or scrambling to finish... humph.

Anyways, I spent a lot of time in the car driving from place to place- I went to Blick's, Hancock Fabrics, Joann Fabrics, and I also picked up a sewing machine from my friend's house because her mother was kind enough to let me borrow hers for the next few weeks, and I've yet to buy one for myself.  D:

I'm trying to figure out if I can borrow a dress form from school, but if that doesn't work out, my lovely - but anonymous - friend complacently agreed to act as my mannequin. I'm not entirely sure if she knows how much standing will be involved, so if you're reading this: thanks! and no takesy-backsies.

Aquí están algunas fotos de mi día:
(please excuse the stupid photo effects- I've recently discovered the filter function on my camera phone, and I'm far too easily entertained)
it was a red light

This may be a bit backwards, but I'm planning to attempt drawing sketches of my dress tomorrow. I have a general idea of which direction I want to take this dress, but only in my head. Taking into account my anal retentiveness, I'm assuming that it'll take me a while to draw something that I'll be somewhat satisfied with... the sketches will probably be embarrassingly bad so I probably won't upload pictures of them. But I don't know yet.

After math class (the reason for the hole in my schedule), I was thinking about how I could deconstruct the garment and how I'd attempt to begin this whole dress-making process. Basically don't know what I'm doing, but I'm gonna pretend like I do, and since my knowledge of sewing is very minimal, I decided that I would make the lining of my dress with the help of a pattern! So I pulled a U-turn and headed towards Hancock Fabrics in Northbrook, and I bought a cheap, simple pattern: New Look #6804 to be exact.

My entire day was spend hoarding and money spending, so I felt plenty fatigued, but I didn't feel all-too-productive. Hopefully I'll have something going by tomorrow, even if it's simply sketchbook work, and my progress will be more concrete and tangible.

Good night cyberworld.

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